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High Alert: The TRUTH TRUCKS are coming!

by Jeremy Hooper

If you are in the Northern California area, be on the lookout for a new predator on the loose.   

If you can muster the courage, witness the terror that is the TRUTH TRUCK:


Extended cab even.  These beauts are the creation of www.gaymarriageno.org, a site which needs no explanation.  Here's their official word on these warriors on wheels.

On October 14th, 2004 GaymarriageNO unleashed a new form of media; Truth Trucks. Truth trucks bypass all forms of public media propaganda, and have the devastating effect of reaching tens of thousands of people each day. Costs of constructing vehicles such as the ones now on the road touring Northern California are very minimal. Regarding the costs, Dick O., driver of one of the trucks said "This new media we have published, through these trucks, costs under $600 to do, with half of that price being the pictures we have on there. Considering the results we've been seein' on the road, this is an exceptional price!"

It's a steal really.  I've never been able to crudely construct a bigoted message out of plywood and paint for less than $850.  But what the GNO folks lack in vision, the make up for in the truly American ability to stand around and wait for time to pass.  Referring to counter-demonstrators at a recent GNO soiree, the organization had this to say:

"They left after being there about an hour, but the trucks stayed until dark."

I wonder why the cool kids left...must have been "Desperate Housewives" time.

Well we are not going to take this lying down, no siree Bob.  I give you, the Good As You UNI FOR UNITY:


Gay Marriage No's site

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