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Anita Bryant, why won't your legacy fade?
A group seeking to amend the Florida Constitution to define marriage as between "only one man and one woman," has launched an attempt to get the measure on the 2006 ballot. The group has until February of '06 to gather 611,001 signatures in order to qualify for that year's general election.
State law in Florida does already ban same-sex marriage, but an amendment would remove the Legislature's authority to change the law.
There is some confusion as to who is actually behind this steaming pile of bigotry. The measure was filed by something called Florida4Marriage.org, but a news release used the name Florida Coalition to Protect Marriage, and the head of Florida Family Focus is listed as the chairman.
Well now, that's just confusing! They really should decide on a umbrella name for this new effort. Maybe something like:
The Sunshine State Coalition to Ban, Burn, And Boycott Anything That We Do Not Understand
It has a certain ring to it, no?
Drive on to Save Fla. Gay Marriage Ban [AP via Yahoo! News]
Language of anti-gay marriage amendment and ballot summary [AP via gainesville.com]
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