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Intolerance in Ypsilanti
Pastor and pro-family activist Levon Yuille of Ypsilanti, Michigan is all riled up over a gay-friendly benefit offered to employees of local Eastern Michigan University. The source of his frustration is a policy that offers domestic partners of the University's employees half-price tuition, provided the couple can prove they've been together for at least one year.
Well Yuille says nuh-uh homo-gays! He tells the Agape Press:
"When you're saying that two cohabitating gays who call themselves a couple can have 50 percent off their tuition, you've got half the students, if not all the students [in Michigan universities who] could find something unique about their lifestyle possibly, [liable] to demand 50 percent off also. So I think it's terribly ill advised to make this kind of distinction and give this type of extra privilege to individuals who are practicing their type of lifestyle."
Yuille and other pro-family types are going so far as to investigate the legalities of the situation, arguing that the University policy is unconstitutional due to the "marriage protection amendment" in Michigan's constitution.
They're not gonna stop at banning marriage folks. They want us gone, plain and simple.
Mich. Pro-Family Activists Condemn EMU Domestic Partner Policy [Agape Press]
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