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Andrew Mcdonald: Gay Senator
According to AP reports, openly gay Connecticut senator Andrew Mcdonald (pic.) is coming under scrutiny from gay rights activists for throwing support to civil unions, instead of holding out for full marriage. As Senate co-chair of the Judiciary committee regarding the measure, and one of the few openly gay lawmakers in the state, Mcdonald is front and center in the heated debate.
In addition to the pissed off queer contingent, Andy also has opponents of the bill - some of whom think he's evil epitomized - baring their intolerant fangs.
No fun at all!
But look on the bright side, Andrew - you could be in Alabama where progressive, openly gay senators are neither, and the state's homos are hurtling down the path toward losing the right to fart.
When life gets a lil' rough, just imagine your political existence as it might play out below the Mason-Dixon line. We think you'll find it soothing.
Ct Lawmakers Face Pressure On Gay Marriage [AP via 1010WINS.com]
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