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Dear Traditional Values Coalition,

by Jeremy Hooper

In their quest to rid the world of all things fruity, The Traditional Values Coalition and their comrades at NARTH are now gunning for the advice column "Dear Abby."

The story: In her nationally syndicated column on March 15, Ms. Van Buren advised the concerned mother of a gay teen to support her daughter's sexuality and suggested that the two join their local PFLAG chapter. Van Buren also suggested that the mother download a booklet produced by the Children’s National Medical Center, which TVC opposes because it "recommends that parents support their 'gender variant' children and work to establish 'safe' places in school for these children to be free from harassment."

Because safety and freedom from harassment are apparently not traditional values. Of course TVC's opposition comes as no surprise, as Van Buren's advice is completely out of line with their preferred "kick the daughter to the curb unless she agrees to a lobotomy" method of dealing with teen homosexuality.

Advice Columnist Promotes PFLAG And Transgender Confusion [TVC]

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