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Maine Anti-Gay Quote Clambake

by Jeremy Hooper

In Maine yesterday, a legislative hearing was held to debate Gov. John Baldacci's proposed bill to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

So what are Maine's opposing forces saying about the homo-gays in order to justify their discriminatory standpoints? Let's look at some quotes from yesterday's testimonies...

Working the played out "it's a choice" angle was madam of Maine's Concerned Women for America harem, Charla Bansley, who is quoted by the Kennebec Journal as saying:

"Sexual behavior is not comparable to race or ethnicity, because the former involve invisible feelings and voluntary actions while the latter involves innate characteristics"

Maine citizen Michael Stultz took a more frightening stance, telling legislators that:

"homosexuality is immoral, a matter of choice and something that's equivalent to pedophilia, incest and polygamy"

And then there's Rep. Brian Duprey, who has continually proven that Maine doesn't discriminate against it's most ill-informed citizens wishing to run for state office. He is quoted by the Portland Press Herald as saying that the bill defines sexual orientation so broadly that,

"there will be no employee out there who will not be protected."

Wait, so you're saying the bill would help give everyone in the state a fair shake, but you're saying that as if it's a bad thing? Nice Duprey.

Frankly, these three just make us sad.

To Ms. Bansley, Mr. Stultz, and Mr. Duprey:
Guys and gal, we are deeply saddened by the lifestyle you've chosen. By voluntarily signing yourself up for discrimination against a sect of the population, you are working towards a society that celebrates discrimination instead of diversity. And that scares us as we, too, live in that society. And we like living without fear. It sucks to feel hated.

So what'dya say you nutty kids? How about you shape up, free yourselves of that lifestyle, and let's start working towards positive change.

Good As You

Gay debate draws crowd [Kennebec Journal Online]
Gay-rights debate packs hearing [Portland Press Herald]

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