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April Fools Joke or Anti-Gay Truth?
1) The crew from Westboro Baptist Church have announced plans to picket Jerry Fallwell's funeral, which they say "from the look of things, is not long off." They claim Mr. Fallwell has refused to preach the "God Hates Fags!" message that they hold so dear.
2) The President of The American Family Ass. of Pennsylvania is condemning a proposed historical marker because it commemorates gay civil rights.
3) A Colorado lawmaker has claimed that same-sex marriage would open the door to inter-species nuptials.
4) Dozens of pastors gathered yesterday in Maine, to outline plans to overturn a newly passed law. The law they are protesting is designed to do nothing more than protect homo-gays from discrimination.
If you said "Anti-Gay Truth" for all, then you're the winner! Yay, you.
In the spirit of the day, I guess we should include at least one "April Fools." Let's see...
5) The above-mentioned items do not make us want to cry.
APRIL FOOLS!!!! Sucker.
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