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Diane Gramley: What about anti-gay history?
The American Family Association of Pennsylvania's Diane Gramley (pic.) has her panties in a wad due to a historical marker that's set to be placed in the area around Philadelphia's Independence Hall. The commemorative monument is meant to denote the site of the "first organized and annual gay and lesbian civil rights demonstration" in the United States; however, Ms. Gramley is crying foul over the plans, claiming that the marker is an attempt by homosexual activists to "rewrite history." She tells Agape Press:
"...the debate on homosexuality has nothing to do with civil rights, but rather [to do with] forcing the acceptance of abhorrent sexual behavior on all America."
She's got a big heart, that one.
Well, rumor has it that Gramley's designed her own anti-gay historical marker, which she is trying to get approved by Pennsylvania's powers that be. We sent our secret G-A-Y operatives to obtain a sneak peak of the proposed plaque, and here's what they found:
Oh Diane, you dastardly little minx! Pennsylvania will never approve that; perhaps try GaysSuck, Alabama.
PA Activist Condemns New 'Homosexual History' Marker at Indy Hall [Agape Press]
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