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Log Cabins gather, form bona fide meighborhood

by Jeremy Hooper

The Log Cabin Republicans held a convention in New Orleans this weekend to discuss strategies, policies, and the fact that the majority of their party doesn't support acceptance or equal treatment of their homosexual beings. Or something like that.

We don't want to alienate any of our fellow homo-gays, but we can't for the life of us understand why one would RSVP to a party where they'll be kept in the coat check. Frankly if our party host started spouting anti-gay rhetoric (no matter how charming the goofy grin), we'd grab a cocktail and high tail it out of their faster than one could say "Condoleeza."

We like to shake our booties and enjoy a nice canape at our soirees. What do they offer, Fritos, Mountain Dew, and Toby Keith? It just doesn't seem worth it.

We kid ya, Log Cabin friends; it's fun to reduce politics to stereotypical metaphors.

Gay Republicans meeting in New Orleans [AP via DailyComet.com]

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