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PFOX gettin' pfeisty

by Jeremy Hooper

Our ol' two-step partners at Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) are now baring their PFANGS at Magellan Health Service, the nation’s leading behavioral health and employee assistance company. The PFOXers are supremely miffed over Magellan's recent decision to rid themselves of one Dr. Warren Throckmorton, due to his position that sexuality can be changed like a pair of fabulous socks.

Regarding Throckmorton's kick to the curb, PFOX executive director and mother of a currently gay son, Regina Griggs, says:

“This underscores the need for Congress to pass a resolution supporting tolerance for former homosexuals and their supporters. Magellan should not receive Medicaid or other federal monies if it continues to discriminate against the ex-gay community.”

Former homosexuals and their supporters? Wasn't that the title of Al Franken's last book? Oh no, that was Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Eh, close enough.

Ms. Griggs goes on to say:

"On behalf of the ex-gay community, PFOX asks Magellan Health to immediately reinstate Dr. Throckmorton and place ex-gays in advisory positions at Magellan."

And apparently Magellan would really like to have some "ex-gays" in advisory positions, but company policy prevents them from placing those incapable of dealing with reality in positions of power. They can't be trusted with petty cash, or something like that.

Oh, and Ms. Griggs, we have one more thing - If your organization truly is the "Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays AND GAYS," shouldn't the acronymic name be PFOXAG?

Just askin'.

Health Insurance Company Discriminates Against Ex-Gays [PFOX Press Release]
Read much more about Dr T's foolery over at ExGayWatch

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