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Another day, another crossed line from the folks at GodHatesFags
Have you ever asked yourself, "Self, what if the folks at JibJab made another political cartoon, but before doing so were to remove their souls, morals, intellect, decency, and common sense?"
No, us neither; but if such a topical cartoon were to exist, it would look exactly like the latest piece of unbelievable bigotry that is being proudly displayed by the nuts at GodHatesFags.
The kooky crew is proudly linking to an animated video featuring a gay man falling from the World Trade Center, NY firefighters dancing in a bathhouse, various figures burning in hell, and a general cursing of America.
It honestly couldn't be more vile, so use your own discretion before deciding to have a looksie. On one hand we think exposure is a positive thing as it shows the world what's out there, but on the other we're always weary of giving this mutant form of hate-mongering any more publicity.
But it's here, for those who choose to view.
*NOTE: This video is is NO WAY associated with the good kids at JibJab!!
**UPDATE (5/7): The video's domain is registered to Steve Drain of Topeka. Connections to Drain and the Phelps clan can be found here, here, and multiple other easily Googleable places.
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