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Judge rules acceptance "unacceptable" in Montgomery County Schools

by Jeremy Hooper

   A federal judge has sided with "ex-gays" in issuing a restraining order that prevents Montgomery County, Maryland schools from teaching that it's not queers, but rather homophobia that's the true societal evil.

U.S. District Judge Alexander Williams cited bias against religions that disapprove of homosexuality as justification for his ruling, despite the fact that the school planned to allow those opposed to opt-out of the gay-friendly curriculum. Unlike queer students, who lack the ability to opt out of gay unfriendly harassment and ass kickings.

Feeling emboldened by their "victory," we hear that the anti-gay contingent will now attempt to rid Montgomery County schools of teaching that 1+1=2, as they feel that the union of two numbers with matching physical characteristics couldn't possibly equal an acceptable pair.

Damn numberphobes!

Judge Blocks Md. School Health Program [AP via WashingtonPost.com]
Judge Rules in Favor of Ex-Gay Group [PFOX Press Release]

RELATED: PFOX p-files lawsuit for "ex-gay" rights [G-A-Y]

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