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Kraft remaining gay-friendly, mac & cheese remaining yummy
Daily Kos has obtained an email from Kraft executive Marc Firestone, which indicates that the food giant is not planning on abandoning their sponsorship of the 2006 Gay Games. As you might recall, the American Family Association and some of their "pro-fam" cronies are threatening a Kraft boycott unless the company pulls its gay-friendly support. Fortunately, the Krafters seem undeterred by the AFA, with Firestone saying in the email:
"It can be difficult when we are criticized. It's easy to say you support a concept or a principle when nobody objects. The real test of commitment is how one reacts when there are those who disagree. I hope you share my view that our company has taken the right stand on diversity, including its contribution to the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago."
Meanwhile, at grocery stores across the nation, harried anti-gay mothers struggle to put together a proper kid's lunch without utilizing the old Lunchable/CapriSun standby.
As for all you body-obsessed queens, it is now your duty to eat a few Oreos!
FULL EMAIL: [UPDATED] Kraft Foods Tells American Taliban to F#@* OFF! [Kos]
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