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Mayor Jim West: Older daddy type seeks city's forgiveness; be butch, No PNP

by Jeremy Hooper

    Anti-gay Spokane mayor Jim West has announced that he won't be stepping down from his mayoral duties, despite child molestation allegations and claims that he offered gifts, including jobs at City Hall, to lure young men on Gay.com.

According to AP reports, this morning West asked Spokane residents for their understanding and to accept his apology. He didn't elaborate as to what he was apologizing for, but we think it has something to do with claims that he shaved ten years off his online age, and ten pounds off his "x-pics."

Embattled Spokane Mayor Won't Resign [AP via WashingtonPost.com]

"How may times do the anti-gay force guys have to get caught in gay trysts before everybody just realizes they're all gay. If you want to meet gay dudes, start cruising the anti-gay buffet, because it's out there baby.
-Jon Stewart on West's "brutal outing"/perfect irony
(watch clip over at One Good Move)

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