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Gay cable nets draw "pro-family" ire; we prefer drawing "pro-family" leaders in their underwear
The Traditional Value Coalition's Rev. Louis Sheldon is attempting to rally the "pro-family" masses to protest gay cable networks such as here!, Q, and Logo. We are attempting to rally the "discrimination in any form is unacceptable" masses to protest The Traditional Values Coalition. This sets the scene for the first ever G-A-Y Point/Counterpoint, with Mr. Sheldon taking the anti-gay "point" position, while we take the pro-gay "counterpoint."
Via a gay TV-decrying diatribe on TVC's Website, Mr. Sheldon says:
"Sexually confused children will be the prime victims of these homosexual cable channels. The cable networks will have much to answer for when we begin to see more and more children being seduced into a homosexual lifestyle. Here we have major communications companies helping launch cable networks dedicated to the promotion of anal intercourse as an alternative lifestyle. Why?”
Via common sense and decency in our brain, we say:
"Homosexual children will be the prime benefactors of these gay-themed cable channels. The cable networks will be able to look back with pride as they see more and more children accept themselves for who they are. Here we have major communications companies helping launching cable networks dedicated to removing the stigma from homosexuality. About time."
As a responsible media outlet, we are dedicated to providing equal time to both the really awesome pro-acceptance cool kids and the grossly misinformed "pro-family" false-fact spreaders. It is our duty as an unbiased voice in today's "culture war" -- a battle which the "pro-family" side is SO gonna lose.
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