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Gay unions: Pope says nope

by Jeremy Hooper

   Pope Benedict XVI on Monday called same-sex unions "pseudo-matrimonies" and said they are "expressions of anarchic freedom which falsely tries to pass itself off as true liberation of man." We hear He then continued the anti-gay sentiment by saying that "Will & Grace" is "not as funny as it used to be" and that it is an "expression of 'jumping the shark,' which is common among long-running episodic programs."

As for us, we think that both "W&G" and gay couples prove year after year that homos are good people who should be treated with the fairness and equality that is afforded to their heterosexual counterparts. Not pseudo-equal, not pseudo-fair, not pseudo-anything - EQUAL!

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go prepare dinner for my fellow expressor of anarchic freedom; we're having meatloaf.

Pope Benedict XVI Condemns Same-Sex Unions [AP via Guardian Unlimited]

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