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Gay-unfriendy parent demonstrates need for gay-friendly posters
The parent who has led the charge to remove gay-friendly posters from Michigan's Troy high school, has chosen to expound upon his objections in the popular "pro-family" publication, Agape Press. The unhappy parent, Tony Cruz, says that posters reading "Gay People Are Everyday People" :
"have no place in the school, and as a matter of fact, according to the Equal Access statute, a club can lose its sponsorship if a teacher sponsors the dogma of that club during school hours. And that applies to Christian clubs, it applies to gay clubs -- it applies to any club in between."
So following Cruz's logic, posters reading...
...would need to be removed, as their benign messages could also be seen as promotion of a club's interest. Furthermore, Troy High doesn't even have a "gay club," but rather a "Human Equal Rights Organization" whose platform also includes issues of racial and gender discrimination. One would presume that Mr. Cruz would have no objection to messages encouraging equality for African-Americans or women, as discrimination to either of those sects is frowned upon by a vast majority. But seeing as belittling faggots is still A-ok for the "pro-family" community, opposing a simple message of equality for gays is still perfect acceptable.
Further proving the necessity of the posters, Mr. Cruz then goes on to say that the wall hangings are:
"a very aggressive and, in my opinion, very mean-spirited way of trying to take minor children and imbue them with the mindset that, 'Hey, you will not only tolerate these people; you will celebrate, enjoy and promote this lifestyle. And even though you're one of those freaks who is not into your own gender, that's okay. We'll tolerate you, too.'"
Freaks. A man attempting to validate that his position does not lie in homophobia but rather in "child protection," opts to publicly use the word "freaks" in describing the gay community. Yet we are the militant ones pushing an agenda to overtake society, marriage, and Bravo.
Mich. Parents Protest Pro-Homosexual Posters on Public School Campus [Agape Press]
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