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Like an anti-gay god of yesteryear, Randy Thomasson speaks for all Californians
Regarding Canada's impending legalization of 'mo marriage, professionaly anti-gay Californian Randy Thomasson has issued a press release claiming that:
"Canada's ice-cold attack on the sacred institution of marriage is making Californians red-hot to protect marriage rights for one man and one woman once and for all."
But now Thomason's release is already out of date, as Spain has just legalized homo-gay nuptials. So as Rand-man has yet to inform us as to what this development will do to California's population, one can only speculate. We think it will:
-make Californians crave paella
-renew Californians' interest in Picasso
-inspire California community theatres to mount productions of Man of La Mancha
-cause Californians to wax nostalgic about the '92 Barcelona summer Olympics
Randy, however, will likely have other ideas. Perhaps something like:
Spain's spicy attack on marriage is making Californians thirsty for a drop of marriage protection.
Hey, that's not bad! Feel free to use it, Randster.
Canada's Ice-Cold Attack on Marriage Making Californians Red-Hot to Protect Marriage in State Constitution [Christian Communication Network]
Spain OKs Gay Marriage, Defying Opponents
[AP via Yahoo! News]
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