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Pens in his office apparently inkless, Rick Perry turns to local Christian school for assistance
In an obvious attempt to make a political statement, Texas Governor Rick Perry has announced that instead of signing the state's recently passed anti-gay marriage bill in his office, he will instead hold a signing ceremony at local Christian school, Calvary Cathedral. The event will reportedly feature "pro-family" speakers and "pro-family" supporters, in what seems more like a kickoff party for their drive to pass the measure when it goes to voters in the fall than it does a mere executive action.
Sing with me: The queers at night, should feel a sense of fright <clap, clap, clap, clap> deep in the church-state of Texas
Plans for bill signing draw protests [Star-Telegram]
**UPDATE: Perry pushes to ban gay marriage, endorses church/state marriage [G-A-Y]
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