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Robert Knight: Support Ford, destroy freedom
Concerned Woman Robert Knight today sits down with fellow Concerned Woman Martha Kleder, for one of their infamous little gabfests o' bigoted propaganda. Now the Concerned Women For America can always be counted on for some crazy bigoted quotes, but these conversations are where they bury the really nutty stuff. Like a secret stash of feces.
Today's session revolves around the latest pro-family target, Ford Motor Company, whose support of various gay organizations and advertisements in gay publications have led the ant-gay set to a full-fledged boycott of Ford products. The boycott is totally nuts, as we always thought it would be those damn American Idol Ford Focus commercials that would lead to a company problem, but what do we know? In this political climate, gays just living their lives might elicit a boycott, while Scott Savol shaking it to "Love Shack" might pass as entertainment. It's a crap shoot, often filled with a preponderance of crap.
Some choice excerpts from the chat:
Knight: "I think it will hurt their image. I think it should hurt their image, that they're trying to promote homosexuality in any number of ways. This is not the compassionate thing to do, it doesn't help people who have the homosexual problem and are trapped in this lifestyle, and think there's no way out. If Ford really cared about homosexual people they would be sponsoring ex-gay groups like PFOX and Exodus international, they would be getting health information out about the downside of homosexuality, instead of promoting a deadly lifestyle they'd care more. But this makes it seem as if Ford cares more about political correctness and pleasing a niche marketing group then it does what happens to the people themselves."
Knight: "...I can say on a personal level, I'm gonna call my Ford dealer in northern Virginia and say, 'Look, I was thinking of getting a Ford, you've got some nice products there, but I can't even step foot in your dealership anymore. You are promoting a deadly lifestyle that will eventually not only destroy the people who embrace it, but it will destroy freedom in this country. For that reason I can't buy your products anymore."
Knight: "...The object is not to hurt the company, it's to reform it. It's to get them to see the err of their ways and to get back to making cars and not promoting what's wrong."
To hear the full conservative coffee klatch for yourself, go here my kittens.
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