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Sanctity of our color palette under attack
To the left you will see the newly launched "pro-family" site, VA4Marriage.org.
For their accusations of gays trying to destroy marriage, we find them grossly misinformed. For their lack of creativity in espousing the same ol' "One Man, One Woman" rhetoric, we find them unoriginal. But for blatantly ripping off our color scheme, we find them just plain wrong. Do you see us trying to bastardize the American flag, the color red, or smiling, non-threatening families of 4.5? No, you don't. You stick with that, and leave the pastels and variations of pink to us.
We'll give this toe-stepping development the benefit of the coincidental doubt, for now. But should you VA4Marriagers Photoshop Fred Phelps's head onto just one comically mundane situation, some "pro-family" heads are gonna roll. Consider yourself warned.
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