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TX governor suggests 'mos might be happier elsewhere
According to a report from Daily Kos, when asked about those opposed to his unorthodox choice of weekend bill signing location, Texas Governor Rick Perry shared the following exchange with a local reporter:
Local NBC Anchor: "Among the protesters were gay veterans and their partners. We asked the governor about his take on gay veterans, many of whom may one day have fewer rights than everyone else."
Rick Perry: "Texans made a decision about marriage and if there's a state that has more lenient views than Texas, then maybe that's a better place for them to live."
When further pressed for suggestions as to where the homo-gay vets should relocate, rumor has it that Perry replied "to the righteous land of extreme conservative hetero-normalcy, where one's sh*t never stinks and the streets are paved with morals."
***UPDATE: We now have confirmation of Perry's statement from Dallas NBC affiliate, KXAS-TV: Governor Signs Abortion Bill At Fort Worth Church [NBC5i.com]
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