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Canadian evicted for anti-'mo marriage sign

by Jeremy Hooper

  A man has reportedly been evicted from his apartment in the "Boys Town" neighborhood of Toronto, for displaying a sign in his window reading "Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman." This anti-gay message is said to have followed a previously displayed "Gay Shame" sign, an act of window expression that led to a forced signing of an agreement saying that he would not again publicly exhibit such sentiments. However, this latest presentation breaks the agreement, and now the curb-kicking process has begun.

Oddest part of the story: HE LIVED IN BOYS TOWN!!! For 25 years, no less!!! Did he think everyone's wives were just out shopping when he decided on the place?

The man is now said to be looking at a lovely new pad on the corner of Penislover Avenue and Vaginaless Street.

Toronto Man to be Evicted from Apartment for Displaying Sign in Favour of Traditional Marriage [LifeSiteNews]

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