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Oregon House Repubs use 'gut' to their advanatage

by Jeremy Hooper

   A bill that could have allowed for civil unions and anti-discrimination protections in the state of Oregon was "gutted and stuffed" yesterday by Republicans in the House State and Federal Affairs Committee. Basically they gutted all the sh*t they deemed too fruit-friendly, stuffed it with their own limited version of rights and benefits to which they feel the state's gays are entitled, mixed in an egg and some bread crumbs for consistency, stirred briskly, then moved it to another House committee where Democrats are forbidden from adding their own spicy views. Now the totally watered down concoction (which is supported by the Oregon Family Council) will likely be tossed, though even if it does make it to a floor vote, its bittersweet benefits will likely cause any discernible gay palette to reject the offensive creation.

The legislation bastardization comes the same week that House Speaker Karen Minnis publicly vowed to prevent the original version of the bill from ever making it to a House vote. Looks like she succeeded, though history books will certainly have the last laugh.

Maneuver 'guts' civil unions bill [The Oregonian]

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