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Pizza parlor's gay sticker attacked; "Credit cards accepted" decal said fearful

by Jeremy Hooper

An Ann Arbor "pro-family" activist is urging members of a University of Michigan Catholic student group to boycott a local pizza joint, New York Pizza Depot, due to a rainbow gay pride sticker that adorns the establishment's door. The former UM student, Andrew Shirvell, tells the Michigan Daily:

"I find the rainbow flag offensive because it is a symbol of the homosexual movement that, in my opinion, indicates a validation of the homosexual lifestyle, as opposed to a sign that indicates ‘openness’ to customers who are of the homosexual orientationGay pride sticker sparks controversy at pizzeria [The Michigan Daily]

Hmmm...perhaps an "All major sexualities accepted" sign might jive better with him?  Perhaps not.

If Shirvell is successful in having the queer sticker removed, rumor has it he'll next go after the pizza joint's "12 inch sausage and balls lovers" pie for reasons which totally escape our innuendo-lacking brain. He must be a veggie or something.


***It should be noted that by all accounts, Shirvell's reaction to the sticker is that of his own and is not endorsed by the aforementioned Catholic student group.


*UPDATE: Reader feedback: Pizza parlor's gay sticker... [G-A-Y]

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