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Westboro Baptist praises London bombings

by Jeremy Hooper

Below you will find an excerpt from the latest FUBAR press release being distributed by the folks at Westboro Baptist Church/ God Hates Fags:

Which leads us to the one obvious question: Isn't it supposed to be "Wish it WERE many more?" It's a tricky grammatical situation, but we're pretty sure that they're in the wrong. If any English teachers are reading, please feel free to let us know.

Oh, also there's the other question: Do you think they might have at some point had an ounce of decency which got misplaced along the way, or do you think their unbelievable lack of humanity is inborn? We're not totally sure, but this sad read does give some insight.

**Other Phelps nonsense: Extreme Makeover: 'God Hates Fags' Edition [G-A-Y]
Degeneres essay leads to anti-gay protest, possible farmer's tan [G-A-Y]

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