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'Brokeback' unveiled in Venice; our 'Brokeass' can't afford to go

by Jeremy Hooper

    Today at the Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy, the highly anticipated gay love story "Brokeback Mountain" will debut and compete with twenty other films for the coveted Golden Lion prize. The film should have a great shot at the award, unless, of course, the '24 carat Leo' is secretly of the "pro-pride" persuasion.

'Brokeback' stars Jake Gyllenhall and Heath Ledger as a pair of cowboys whose "forbidden love" spans over a twenty year period of time. The film is based on a short story, so it's inevitable that many of the gay men who see the movie will dismiss the Ledger/Gyllenhall pairing with that old, underwhelmed cliche, "the way it plays out in my fantasies is better."

Gay cowboy film rides into Venice festival [Reuters via Yahoo! News]

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