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Cali lawmakers pave way to 'mo marriage; will Arnold bomb the path?

by Jeremy Hooper

   The California state Assembly yesterday passed a bill allowing queer nuptials, making the Cali legislature the first in the nation to approve same-sex marriage legislation (the bill was passed by the Senate last week). The legislation now heads to Gov. Schwarznegger, who, according to the AP, has indicated that he will ultimately side with the courts, where a ruling that deemed the state's ban on gay marriage to be unconstitutional is currently on appeal.

If Arnold signs the measure, it of course means that our self-imposed moratorium on the viewing of Jingle All the Way will have to be lifted. Should he veto, however, that embargo will likely be extended to include Eraser and Junior, as well. Though regardless of any gubernatorial action, Kindergarten Cop will always stay in our good graces, as the pairing of the Austrian-born cop with recently born students is simply the work of genius.

Cali's head anti-gay, Randy Thomasson, tells the AP that "Schwarzenegger can't afford to sign the gay marriage license bill." A statement that only further proves Mr. Thommason's ineptitude, as pens really aren't all that expensive.

Calif. Lawmakers Pass Gay Marriage Bill [AP via Yahoo! News]

**UPDATE: Governator delivers Raw Deal with Total Recall of Batman & Robin's marriage chances [G-A-Y]

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