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Daily homophobic quota not yet met, Agape turns to 'ex-gays'
In one of their regular 'although we call ourselves a news organization, we are actually a propaganda organ for a carefully orchestrated fundamental Christian movement whose primary goal of late is to rid the world of homosexuals, so since there is nothing gay-friendly to decry, we will just put up some random nonsense condemning homosexuals as a whole' pieces, the folks at Agape Press today are running what is basically an advertisement for the Love Won Out bigoted dog and rabid pony shows of "ex-gay" deception. 'Cause that's the way they intolerantly roll.
In the "story," the one "former" 'mo who is featured in 99.2% of all "ex-gay"-related materials, Melissa Fryrear, asserts the unbelievably bold claim that:
“Sexual trauma is a huge piece of the puzzle. Having talked with hundreds of homosexuals, I have never met one that had not been sexually violated in his or her life.”
Uhm, Hi Melissa - my name's Jeremy. I wholeheartedly welcome the opportunity to go on the "700 Club" and take 700 lie detector tests swearing to the fact I never been sexually violated in any way, shape, or penis. This event can then be followed by you testifying that you would much rather spend a night with Will than with Grace; let the chips fall like "ex-gays."
Later, in this Agape tour-de-formulaic stigmatization tactic, author and erstwhile homo Joe Dallas proves that even when one "loses" desire for their own gender, their proclivity for dramatic prose remains firmly in tact, saying:
"...if the church allows that sociopathic, homosexuality-affirming culture's increasing self-destructiveness to proceed unchallenged to its logical, morbid conclusions, Dallas contends, “God will require the blood of the state at the hands of his visible representation, who allowed itself to be intimidated into silence.”
So we say, "let us walk down an aisle, we're really not evil, swarthy people," and they shout, God will show his wrath if homosexuals are freed from bias, yet we're the intimidating ones? "Ex-tremely" twisted.
If you'd like to hear more grown adults pretend to live in a fantasy world of sexuality metamorphosis, the Agape link is below.
Love Won Out Tackles Homosexual Issues With Information, Compassion, Biblical Truth [Agape]
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