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Ellner ad reportedly makes Fox affiliate uneasy

by Jeremy Hooper

   WNYW, the local Fox affiliate in the New York city area, is reportedly refusing to air Manhattan Borough President candidate Brian Ellner's recently unveiled "Bush criticizing, partner revealing" campaign ad, because they say it's "in poor taste." After all, who knows better about "poor taste" than an outlet whose weekday programming sked includes an hour of "Texas Justice," ninety minutes of "Divorce Court," an episode of "A Current Affair," ninety minutes of "Judge Hatchett," and an hour of "Family Feud." Not that those shows aren't fun little guilty pleasures, but they are hardly Steak au Poivre with Port-Ginger Sauce.

Ellner tells the Times that he feels the rejection is "anti-American" and "disrespectful to voters," totally confusing those Fox viewers who had no clue that "American Idol" was even back on the air.

Channel 5 Rejects Anti-Bush Ad of Borough President Candidate [NYT via BrianEllner.com]

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