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Report: Pope totally cool with banning 'mo priests

by Jeremy Hooper

   Confirming earlier suspicions, Catholic World News reports that Pope Benedict XVI has given approval to a new Vatican policy that says "men with homosexual tendencies" should not be ordained as priests.

Prepared in response to a request made by the late Pope John Paul II in 1994, the docubullsh*t is said to suggest that homosexuals have "a serious personality disorder which detracts from their ability to serve as ministers." However, as best we can tell, no condemnation of their ability to serve a bitching seven course meal complete with smart conversation and witty repartee is made in the missive. So that's something.

The queer-denouncing policy will take the form of an "Instruction," with "do not insert bolt 'PENIS' into slot 'ANOTHER MAN'S ORIFICE'" being Step 1 of the homo-stigmatizing directions.

Pope approves barring gay seminarians [CWNews.com]

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