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'Voteonmarriage.org' 'hires.net' consulting 'firm.biz'
According to the Boston Globe, the Massachusetts anti-queer marriage group "Voteonmarriage.org" has hired a California political consulting firm to lend "strategic guidance and on-the-ground help" to their petition drive to put a proposed marriage ban on the state's '08 ballot. The firm, Arno Politcal Consultants, previously worked on a drive to register GOP voters in Florida, making a campaign to locate those opposed to gay marriage totally old hat.
No word on exactly what sort of "strategic guidance" Arno will be offering the marriage ban supporters, though we do hear the words "traditional," "pro-family," and "Jesus" will play pivotal roles. Oh, and tons of pictures of smiling heterosexual families of 4 positively beaming over fact that they desire the opposite sex - never can they have too many of those.
Region+NewsGay-nuptial foes hire Calif. consulting firm [Boston Globe]
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