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AFA joins anti-Walgreens campaign; can now count on one hand the number of companies of which they approve

by Jeremy Hooper

   Our ol' poker buddies at the American Family Association are joining the 'pro-family' attacks on the Walgreens drugstore chain in the best way they know how -- by offensively stigmatizing gays as careless AIDS spreaders whose good times promote disease. In a diatribe decrying Walgreens for sponsoring Chicago's upcoming Gay Games, the AFA says:

"Oddly enough, Walgreens says they agreed to sponsor the Gay Games under the guise of helping prevent AIDS. But the official Gay Games web site has the following promotional statement, which promotes the very type of activity Walgreens says they are trying to prevent: The Gay Games Social Committee is currently in the process of gathering together Chicago's best bars and clubs, and some of the biggest and best party promoters in the country to create a Social Schedule unlike anything you've ever seen. Chicago's LGBT scene is fierce no matter what time of year it is, but during that one week in July 2006, we are committed to making sure you have the time of your life."

Because as everyone knows, "a Social Schedule unlike anything you've ever seen" really means nonstop condom-less sex designed to seroconvert the masses. Great detective work, AFA, in debunking this clever ruse designed by the wily Walgreens chain to fool the public. Without your absurd logic and derogatory reasoning, we might be fooled into believing that Walgreens is actually a decent company who cares about humanity.

No word on whether the AFA has stooped to a new low with this attack or if some of their previous bits of gay hate have been just as vile, though we'll keep you posted.

Walgreens Gives $100,000 in Support of Gay Games [AFA]
***UPDATE: AFA continues along "Walgreens is pro-HIV' path [G-A-Y]

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