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America's F***kedupedest Homo-hating Videos

by Jeremy Hooper

whateverHey, who wants to see Fred Phelps express his wish that more people had been killed in the London subway bombings? How about Shirley Phelps-Roper justifying the family's proclivity for flying American flags upside down and dragging them on the ground? Maybe witnessing the young Jael and Libby Phelps speaking of their love for natural disasters is more up your alley?

Well ask and you shall receive, my pets, as Sky News and their hidden cameras have captured all this and more in a behind the scenes expose of that homo-decrying, sign-toting, funeral-picketing band of gypsies known as the Westboro Baptist Church. Because while still pictures might be worth a thousand words, nothing quite captures the two little words "batsh*t insanity" like glorious, full-motion video.

Inside The Church Of Hate [Sky News]

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