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Duquesne student won't apologize for calling gays 'subhuman'; Duquesne officials won't apologize for name's silent 's'

by Jeremy Hooper

 Ryan Miner, an undergraduate at Pittsburgh's Duquesne University, says he would rather risk expulsion from the Catholic school than write a 10-page essay apologizing for anti-gay remarks that he made in a non-school related online forum. The write-off had been ordered by the University after someone complained that Miner had referred to gay people as "subhuman" in a forum on the website Facebook.com, but Miner is arguing that the school-mandated expression of regret violates his First Amendment rights.

And you know what - we kind of agree. Maybe it's just our lack of homo sapienism talking, but we really don't think the school should have the right to enforce such a punishment. So he said we're less than anthropomorphic -- as long as he does so on his own time and online space, he should feel free to make himself look like an antiquated, unenlightened zealot without facing repercussions from his place of learning. Now if the comments were actually made on school property, in a school-run forum, or were truly threatening, then that'd be a whole other story. However, in our non-legal, unsolicited, less than a person opinion, we're gonna have to -- and we can't believe we're saying this -- side our quasi-humanoid selves with the anti-gay schoolboy.

Now if you'll excuse us, we must go harness the souls of some freshly born babies in order to remain an almost part of this mortal race...

Student Sanctioned For Comments On Homosexuality [AP via WTAE-TV]

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