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Klan's outspoken support for TX marriage ban making some anti-gays unKKKumfortable

by Jeremy Hooper

   In light of the revelation that the Ku Klux Klan will be rallying against gay marriage next weekend in Austin, TX, some of the state's non-robed opponents of same-sex matrimony are struggling to assure Texans that they and the KKK are not birds of the same queer nups-decrying feather.

Laurence White, head of the anti-'mo marriage group Texas Restoration Project, tells the Houston Chronicle,

"I think it is most unfortunate. I certainly think it doesn't help any issue to have the Ku Klux Klan associated with it"

Rep. Warren Chisum, the author of the nuptials-barring proposition, tells the Fort Worth Star-Telegram,

"I hate to say that we don't need friends like that, but we don't need friends like that," adding, "I want nothing to do with the KKK."

It's unclear as as to why Chisum and White think their antipathy for gay marriage differs from that of the KKK, as on this particular issue, they really seem to be standing side by side. Now we would never advise the "pro-family" leaders as to what company they should be keeping, but if only for fear that we'd spill something (something=moonshine freshly brewed in our bathtup) on their white costumes, we certainly wouldn't want our names associated with such kkkooks.

History has never once smiled upon KKK-supported concepts; why should this time be any different?

Proposition 2 supporters distance themselves from anti-gay KKK rally [HoustonChronicle.com]
Klan to rally against gay marriage [DFW.com]

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