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Storms and Company continue to ruin national reputation
We've been tracking for the past few months the hell that Hillsborough County Commissioner Kathy Castor (pic.) must experience on a regular basis as she struggles to serve as the lone voice of "gay-friendly" in an otherwise misguided Tampa-area commission. There was that attention-grabbing vote this summer in which the commission (led by the ferociously anti-gay Ronda Storms) banned county government from acknowledging gay pride, with Castor serving as the only dissenting vote. Then the Commission voted again on the same issue a month later, and Castor again stood alone.
Well now comes the latest opportunity for Castor to curse her fellows, as they have recently voted against an attempt she made to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation for private and public employees of Hillsborough County. And if that weren't enough, Storms & Company then attempted to make it harder for such a protection to pass in the future by voting a second time to increase the number of commissioners that must approve of such a measure in order to put it on a future referendum ballot (With commissioner Tom Scott joining Castor on the side of good for this particular vote).
Ronda Storms is simply out of control!
Castor referred to this latest double-whammy (again led by Ronda Storms) as "mean-spirited." We however, think the term "ass backwards deed of homophobic nuttiness" is a more apt description.
County Commission votes against gay protection [SP Times]
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