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Walgreens gay support draws 'pro-family' ire; their colored pencils draw pretty pictures
In their ongoing quest to rid the Prairie State of all things fruity, the homo-decrying folks at the Illinois Family Institute are now attacking the Walgreens drugstore chain for serving as a Platinum-level sponsor of Chicago's 2006 Gay Games. According to the Chicago Tribune, IFI executive director Peter LaBarbera "wants Walgreens to rescind its funding; otherwise he will encourage members of his group to consider boycotting the drugstore chain."
In anticipation of a possible influx of IFI-driven customers, we hear that Walgreens' local competitors have begun stocking the popular 'pro-fam' children's book, "Fun With Dick and Jane, and only Dick and Jane, as Dick and Dick or Jane and Jane Would Be No Fun in the Least," as a way to draw them to their humble stores.
No word on whether Walgreens is unafraid, undaunted, undeterred, or still laughing about IFI's threats, though we'll keep you posted.
Group scolds Walgreens for being a Gay Games sponsor [Chicago Tribune]
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