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A week to go, gay Brits gear up for quasi-nuptials

by Jeremy Hooper

  A week from today, December 5, Britain's same-sex couples above the age of 16 will be granted the opportunity to enter into a civil partnership, affording them most of the same rights as marriage. Some of the differences, however, between the homo unions and traditional marriage are that instead of pre-nups, gays will be allowed "pre-registration agreements;" instead of divorce, we get "dissolution;" and in the gay version, adultery cannot be cited as a reason to terminate the union.

Other notable variances: "Here Comes The Bride" will need to be either pluralized or nixed; the popular wedding party lament will need to be adapted to "always the bridesmaid, never either of the brides;" and gay honeymoons are likely to feature much more homosexual intercourse than is usually found in the hetero version of the romantic getaway.

Wedding bands, however, are expected to remain just as cheesy, though the gays' cheese is much more likely to be Camembert than Velveeta.

Gay Brits getting ready for civil unions [AP via Advocate]

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