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'Don't call me a fruit then fire me' proposal back in play in Indy
Openly gay-friendly Indianapolis Councilwoman Jackie Nytes (pic.) has re-introduced a proposal (pdf) that would amend the city's human rights laws to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. A similar effort (also sponsored by Nytes) failed last April in an 18-11 vote, but Nytes says she already has twelve votes lined up this go-around, and that she'll lobby for the remaining three needed in order for the measure to pass.
Our lobbying suggestion to Ms. Nytes: Every time you see one of the other Council members who's on the fence regarding the measure, gently push them off that fence and call them a "flamer." Though we don't condone violence, once they see how not fun it is to find oneself the victim of such targeted discrimination, they will surely join the side of anti-bias.
If that doesn't work, threaten to cancel Christmas.
Ordinance banning gay bias revived [IndyStar.com]
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