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Gay take on 'Straight Talk'
For those who have not been listening to the "ex-gay" radio show "Straight Talk Radio" since it premiered last month, let us give you an idea of what you've missed:
I used to be gay, but now I have a wife. Here's my wife. Have you met my wife Irene? Say hi, Irene. You see, I used to be a promiscuous homosexual, but now Irene is my wife. You know, Irene, my wife who you just met? She's my wife, because I'm no longer queer. We're here to tell others that you too can stop being queer and have a wife, just like me, Stephen Bennett, who is talking to you now alongside my beautiful wife Irene. What should we talk about today, wife Irene? Oh I know, let's talk about how you can leave homosexuality, like me, Stephen Bennett. Because you see, if you actually succeed in becoming an "ex-gay," you are required to talk about nothing else besides your "former homosexuality" for all of eternity. Isn't that right, wife Irene, who I "former homosexually" love. You too can become a former 'mo, if you pray real hard. Right, wife Irene? Let's talk about that.
And now you're caught up. If this has whet your appetite -- be it straight, gay, or existing only on a plane of your own making -- for more "ex-gay" chat, go have a listen:
Blonde, bold and brash... It’s Christian Radio with an edge [Straight Talk Radio]
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