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Illinois 'Concerned Woman' ups status to 'disturbed lass'
In a piece on Concerned Women for America's website decrying Chicago-area media for not covering a vigil marking the death of Mary Stachowicz (who was allegedly murdered by a gay man, Nicholas Gutierrez, after she told him, according to CWFA, that she "felt he was sinning against God, and she encouraged him to change his ways"), Illinois's head CWFAer, Kathy Valente (pic.) says:
"We thought it was important to the public to know that Mary was killed for sharing her faith,” said Kathy Valente, state director of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Illinois, who attended the vigil. “Equally as tragic as Mary’s death is the death sentence imposed on people who are enslaved in this deadly behavior.”
EQUALLY AS TRAGIC AS MARY'S DEATH IS THE DEATH SENTENCE IMPOSED ON PEOPLE WHO ARE ENSLAVED IN THIS DEADLY BEHAVIOR?!?!?!?!? She is actually comparing the extremely sad, brutal murder of a woman to the everyday plight of the homosexual? What the batsh*t crazy?!?!?
Now people, we read this anti-gay/"pro-family" stuff each and every day. We've been called "feces eaters" by the Phelps children and have been told we were "going to hell" probably more times than we have urinated. That being said, this still might be the most unbelievably f***ed up single statement of condemnation we've EVER come across. This is not only offensive to homosexuals, but also deeply insulting to Ms. Stachowicz's friends and family, anyone who's ever had a loved one ripped from this Earth, and, in our opinion, the totality of society.
This particular musing does not strike us as the sentiment of a "Concerned Woman," but rather the pondering of a "deeply misguided mind." Ms. Valente and CWFA -- you should be ashamed.
Press Ignores Vigil for Grandmother Murdered by Homosexual Man [CWFA]
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