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Kentucky Rep's aide puts e-foot in web-based mouth

by Jeremy Hooper

    Cheryl Long, an aide to Kentucky state Rep. David Osborne (pic.), got herself in a bit of a pickle last week when she mistakingly replied to a constituent who had emailed the Rep. asking him to support gay rights, when in actually she had intended to forward the citizen's email and her thoughts on the matter to Rep. Osborne himself. According to the Lexington Herald-Ledger, Long erroneously sent the constituent the Osborne-intended comments:

"This is one of those issues where it's safe to say 'Thanks for writing, I will consider your views' and not go too far about your personal beliefs,"..."Seriously, these people really can get out of hand! ...This particular group is much worse than pro-lifers!"

No word on how the trigger happy Ms. Long's shoe tastes, exactly, though we'd imagine it to be slightly snide with a mild dismissive aftertaste.

Frankfort aide's e-mail gives gay rights issue the brushoff [Herald-Ledger]

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