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KKK to be countered countered countered with tolerance tolerance tolerance
Responding to the KKK's plans to rally against gay marriage tomorrow in Austin, the mayor of that Texas city, Will Wynn, has declared that Saturday will be a "Day of Tolerance." He's asking residents to please just ignore the queer matrimony-decrying kkkids.
Relatedly, responding to our plans to party like a rock star tonight in any bar that will have us, we have declared that Saturday will be a "Day to Sleep Through." We're asking everyone to please just ignore our coma-like slumber.
Oh, who are we kidding - we're so staying home tonight, watching "Ghost Whisperer," and feeding our cat; but it's fun to pretend like we're edgy. However, as lame as we may be, we are extremely proud of the fact that we have NEVER EVER EVER stood on the same side as the KKK on any issue, as history has always remembered their standpoints to have been the incorrect side for which to fight.
Mayor declares 'Day of Tolerance' [KVUE.com]
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