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Maine pastor on hookers, boozehounds, and homos

by Jeremy Hooper

   Speaking about Maine's upcoming referendum to decide whether to keep or repeal a state law barring discrimination against homosexuals, Rev. Jim Heard, pastor of Church of Life and Praise in Ellsworth, tells that city's American newspaper that he feels the media coverage surrounding the vote, as well as the ballot question itself, misrepresent conservative Christian views. He says:

The question makes us look like we’re discriminating, like we’re gay bashers,” Heard said. “We’re not against them. We’re against their lifestyle.

Which is of course the battle cry of such opponents, along with their verbal partners in discrimination justification, "I'm not anti-gay, I'm pro-family;" "I'm not out to ban gay marriage, but rather protect traditional marriage;" and "You're not born that way, it's a choice." These attempts to reason with antipathy are all of course "bullsh*t, or rather pro-ignorance."

The paper goes on to say that:

[Heard] compared his views about gay men and women with his views about alcoholics or prostitutes. While he would never condone excessive alcohol consumption or prostitution, he would welcome alcoholics and prostitutes into his church.

Because honestly, what groups are more alike than those are naturally attracted to their own gender, those who drink in excess, and those who sell their junk for dollars? Birds of a feather. Now if you'll excuse us, we must go take a few shots of sodomy and entice a few strangers to give us the right to marry in exchange for a BJ. While we're exploiting "interchangeable immoralities," go see what others in the Pine Tree State have to say about us frequently chatted about gays...

Gay Rights Debate Goes To the Pulpit, Local Clergy Square Off [Ellsworth American]

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