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All Ford, all the time: GLAAD removes link to Jag/Land Rover-related promo

by Jeremy Hooper

   In response to an inquiry into why our buddies at GLAAD removed a link (Google Cache) to a Jaguar/Land Rover promotion from their website (the same promotion the AFA had criticized as part of their initial Ford boycott announcement), GLAAD's Glennda Testone tells us that "as of Monday, we are no longer participating in the promotion and have removed the materials from our Web site."

The promotion was initially scheduled to run through Dec. 31. Who made the decision to pull the plug? Is this something? We'll certainly keep you posted, my decency-loving friends, as 'Frankly Ford F**ked Up 2005' not-so-merrily rolls along this highway of unfortunate revelation.

BACKSTORY: Should we push our 1989 Ford Aerostar van off a cliff? [Dec 1]
Is Ford dicking us over? The plot thickens [Dec 5]
Is Ford selling us out? [Dec 6]
In which we blow up our Mustang [Dec 7]
It's not only Ford who's watching [Dec 7]

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