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Because we miss it so much, more on the Ford saga

by Jeremy Hooper

   Regarding Ford's decision to once again advertise in gay publications and recommit themselves to LGBT equality, Concerned Women For America's Robert Knight (pic.) has the following to say:

"You've entered the culture war on the wrong side. This is hurting people, not helping them, and you're not being a good company..You think you are, but you're not."
"This doesn't seem like smart business, in addition to being wrong."
"This is a tough corner for them. I mean, after all, a lot of Christians own Ford dealerships and work in Ford dealerships and work for Ford Motor Company, for that matter, and so they have to be heartsick when their parent company goes this far out front supporting a radical political agenda with which they disagree. So I'm hoping people within the company and especially the Ford dealers themselves speak up and say, 'stop this before it takes us right over a cliff.'"

Regarding Knight's comments, we have the following reply:

"You're a dude but you work for an organization whose name implies that you should be a chick. That makes us giggle."

To hear Knight further paint "Christian" and "gay" as if they're diametrically opposed qualities, his complete Ford-based chat can be found below.

Ford Motor Company Reinstates Ads in ‘Gay’ Magazines [CWA]

*Backstory: Complete Ford roundup [G-A-Y]

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