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HRC calls extremists on their marketing of fallacies

by Jeremy Hooper

   In response to the "ex-gay"-supporting, hate crimes legislation-decrying, right wing extremist-fueled newspaper advertisements that we told you about yesterday, HRC President Joe Solmonese has issued a letter requesting publishers to stop running the duplicitious propaganda pieces in their papers. In his communiqué, Solmonese calls the pieces "both inflammatory and inaccurate" and says, "In ads that claim hate crimes laws treat straight and gay Americans differently, right-wing extremist groups are using lies to promote fear and stop the passage of a critical crime-fighting tool."

So in other words, the "right-wing extremists" are doing exactly what right-wing extremists tend to do. After all, an ad saying "we simply don't care for homosexuality, period" just doesn't have the same snake oil-peddling ring to it as "in our quest to protect children, families, and tradition, we will seek to reach out and spread God's love to those afflicted by the stranglehold of such behavior." Homo-hostility is what these hucksters hawk; fraudulence featuring flawed facts, "former 'mos," and false compassion are the vehicles with which they pussily peddle the product.

To read the whole of Mr. Solmonese's dispatch (which, sadly, doesn't include the word "pussily"), follow the link below:


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