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Professionally gay to meet with professionally Ford
Today in D.C., executives from Ford Motor Company will meet with leaders from 19 gay-rights organizations to discuss the company's recent homo-centric brouhaha. No word on why we weren't invited to attend the soiree despite our our more than adequate coverage of the whole mess, though we think it's because our tendency to use words such as "congressional subcommittee hearing" and "poopy head" in the same sentence frightens the HRC.
Suit yourself, 'mo rights fighters -- but don't blame us when there's nobody at the assembly to ask the more-than-pertinent question, "What next Ford, will your sodomy-fearing mobiles no longer allow for rear entry?"
In some semblance of seriousness: Best of luck, more respectable cousins who don't work in their pajamas; go get us some answers.
Ford, gay groups to discuss ad pullout [SF Chronicle]
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