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UPDATE: In which we blow up our Mustang
Wards Auto, the trade publication that initially broke this whole gay-centric Ford mess, is now reporting that despite their claims to the contrary, Ford did in fact pull their Jaguar/Land Rover ads from gay publications as part of their deal with the American Family Association. Additionally, they report that "sources confirm Volvo Cars will continue to advertise in the publications but will use generic ads not tailored to the gay community" and that "Ford has agreed not to sponsor any future gay and lesbian events but will continue to maintain its employee policies, such as same-sex partner benefits."
And with that, our afFording the auto giant the benefit of the doubt has ended. This revelation coupled with the plethora of unfavorable evidence compiled by AmericaBlog has obliterated our Pollyana-like hope that the company could be the victim of misinformation.
We desperately wanted to believe the spokesperson's claims. We wanted to believe that the fact that reports DO indicate they're scaling back Land Rover/Jaguar production was a sign that they were telling the truth in calling the ad pull a "business decision." We wanted to believe that since the AFA hasn't been gloating about their "win" in their usual, charing way, it was an indication that there simply wasn't all that much for them to gloat about. We wanted to believe that Ford was not capitulating on their history of gay support. We didn't want to be unfair to a company that has, by all accounts, been our friends. We wanted to believe in the good.
That, my dears, is over...and it upsets us beyond all belief.
Just be careful, Ford -- one false move and the AFA may start accusing you, too, of promoting HIV.
BREAKING: Ford has agreed to no longer sponsor gay events [AmericaBlog]
Write Ford Motor Company Today! [GLAAD]
BACKSTORY: Should we push our 1989 Ford Aerostar van off a cliff? [Dec 1]
Is Ford dicking us over? The plot thickens [Dec 5]
Is Ford selling us out? [Dec 6]
In which we blow up our Mustang [Dec 7]
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